Starting Monday, February 15th – Join Gail Garceau for a 5-day Leg Focused Program to boost your metabolism, elongate your muscles, and put a bounce in your step!
Open to streaming members – 2 Live Classes with Gail Garceau + Curated Workout Plan (view full collection)
(Live class & workshop open to all – no subscription required):
11:45-11:55am EST Live Alignment Workshop with Gail Garceau
12:00-12:30pm EST Live Class with Gail GarceauTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th:
Pre-recorded Workout: Ultimate Leg Sculptor with Sahra Esmonde-WhiteWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th:
Pre-recorded Workout: Legs & Butt with Miranda Esmonde-WhiteTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18th:
Pre-recorded Workout: Calorie Burning & Lower Body Sculpting with Gail GarceauOPTIONAL ADD ON:
Pre-recorded Workout: Optional Add On: Quad Stretch with Amanda CyrFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19th:
12:00-12:30pm EST Live Class with Gail Garceau